Wednesday 11 March 2009

What d'you think? Que penses-tu ? ¿Qué piensas tú?

Even if it's something small, what is the single most important change or improvement that you think the UNHRC (United Nations Human Rights Council) must make in order to genuinely address the problem of unfair youth treatment in your country ?
Même s’il est quelque chose de petit, quel est, dans ton opinion, le changement le plus important que le Conseil des Droits de l’Homme à l’ONU doit faire s’il veut vraiment aborder le problème du traitement injuste des jeunes dans ton pays ?
Aún si es algo pequeño, ¿qué consideras como el cambio el más importante que el Consejo de los Derechos Humanos a la ONU debe efectuar si de verdad quiere abordar el problema del tratamiento injusto de los jóvenes en tu país ?


  1. I want the UN to help SOUTH AFRICA IN CHANGING the perception of stigma towards juvenille ex-offenders so that there will be no criminal record, which prohibits juvenille ex-offenders to get jobs, from government and various other companies. I also want proper education in the institutes in the country. Support the campaigners on Juvenille Justice!!

  2. I want the UN to ensure that the government of Sierra Leone stop putting young juvenille offendenders in prison with adults and to fully implement the dictates of the CRC.

    I also want the UN to support the young advocates in the Youth Justice Campaign to continue their work back home to save the future generation!!

  3. I want UN gets involved in education, I think more eduction the young people have, more good future we can see and try change the world!
    Do not put our children with adults, create a safe place with education to the young people!
