Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Until next year.....
This blog is now a living record of what was achieved at the UN Human Rights Council in March 2009. There is still lots more going on around the world as part of the Youth Justice in Action campaign. Visit
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Siding with Young People
This afternoon Dani, Thandanani and Martin have been presenting their stories to a side event organised by Y Care International, the World Alliance of YMCAs and Defence for Children International. ![](
All three of them were fantastic and I hope to get them to blog about what it was like to share their experiences with delegates and representatives of governments and organisations worldwide. In the meantime, here's some pics...
All three of them were fantastic and I hope to get them to blog about what it was like to share their experiences with delegates and representatives of governments and organisations worldwide. In the meantime, here's some pics...
Web Chatting
A big thank you to all of you who tuned in, logged on and typed out last night - the group loved talking to you all, answering your questions and sharing what they've done with you!
It would be really great if you could post even just a small comment on the blog about what you talked about last night - what did you ask, what did you learn, what did you think of what the young people have been doing?
What do we want? Justice!
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
What is a team?
This has been a question that has been asked several times over the past two weeks. I have been given a number of answers, but in their own way the group have worked together to answer this.
I have watched a group of young people who have come together from different parts of the world to live and work together, share stories, enthusiasm, ideas, tears and also a lot of laughter..
This group have accomplished over a 'few' days what sometimes can take a group a number of weeks to achieve. There have been moments when it seemed a wall had came up against us but determination and sometimes pain, brought those barriers down.
We have a team of young people to be proud of, a bunch who genuinely have a passion for youth justice issues which have affected them, their peers and young people worldwide.
A team which i have come to the point of saying - I am proud of what you all have achieved so far and i think you have grasped what team work is really all about..Well done!!!
I have watched a group of young people who have come together from different parts of the world to live and work together, share stories, enthusiasm, ideas, tears and also a lot of laughter..
This group have accomplished over a 'few' days what sometimes can take a group a number of weeks to achieve. There have been moments when it seemed a wall had came up against us but determination and sometimes pain, brought those barriers down.
We have a team of young people to be proud of, a bunch who genuinely have a passion for youth justice issues which have affected them, their peers and young people worldwide.
A team which i have come to the point of saying - I am proud of what you all have achieved so far and i think you have grasped what team work is really all about..Well done!!!
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
LIVE CHAT - Wednesday 18 March - 7pm GMT (8pm Swiss time)
Just a reminder that tomorrow we will be hosting a live chat in the chatroom available by clicking the link to the right!
So far we have young people from Scotland, England and Ireland all on board to ask the young Genevan delegation exactly what the past week has been like.
Please, please, please watch and read the interventions that OB and Darwin have made, come up with any questions you might want to ask and take this opportunity to share what youth justice means to you!
Speak to you all tomorrow and Genevan "gang" - see you at the UN at lunchtime :)
So far we have young people from Scotland, England and Ireland all on board to ask the young Genevan delegation exactly what the past week has been like.
Please, please, please watch and read the interventions that OB and Darwin have made, come up with any questions you might want to ask and take this opportunity to share what youth justice means to you!
Speak to you all tomorrow and Genevan "gang" - see you at the UN at lunchtime :)
Here's Darwin!! Live at the UN...for one afternoon only
Here it is! Dariwns oral intervention to the Human Rights Council.
That's two times our voice has been heard directly by the whole council!!
(See the comments for the english translation)
You'll notice us all sitting in front of him! :-)
That's two times our voice has been heard directly by the whole council!!
(See the comments for the english translation)
You'll notice us all sitting in front of him! :-)
Wicked words from Ian
Hi ya
This is what the boss of YMCA England just wrote to us!
Thanks for your message Ian it means a lot - we;re going to carry on
"A hearty congratulations to all 5 delegates in the Youth Justice in Action campaign for all their hard work out in Geneva!
You’ve taken the needs of the young people in each of your countries to the highest international court, and you’ve told their stories.
Thank you for being brave and speaking on behalf of many other young people whose voices so often go unheard.
Here in England, we are working to help all young people avoid crime, as well as working to rehabilitate those young people who are currently caught in the criminal justice system.
We are going to take your charge to the UN, back to the young people who are involved in YMCAs all over this country, and work with them to make this country a place for all young people to belong, contribute and thrive.
Thank you on behalf of the YMCAs in England.
Ian Green
National Secretary of YMCA England"
This is what the boss of YMCA England just wrote to us!
Thanks for your message Ian it means a lot - we;re going to carry on
"A hearty congratulations to all 5 delegates in the Youth Justice in Action campaign for all their hard work out in Geneva!
You’ve taken the needs of the young people in each of your countries to the highest international court, and you’ve told their stories.
Thank you for being brave and speaking on behalf of many other young people whose voices so often go unheard.
Here in England, we are working to help all young people avoid crime, as well as working to rehabilitate those young people who are currently caught in the criminal justice system.
We are going to take your charge to the UN, back to the young people who are involved in YMCAs all over this country, and work with them to make this country a place for all young people to belong, contribute and thrive.
Thank you on behalf of the YMCAs in England.
Ian Green
National Secretary of YMCA England"
A thumbs up from the President himself!
OB has just had a talk with the President of the Human Rights Council!
He told him we were a group of young people here to advocate about our own experiences of youth justice. He remembered our Oral Intervention last week. He said it was good work done and he was really impressed with what we were doing as a group of young people.
So we've even been noticed right at the top!!!
He told him we were a group of young people here to advocate about our own experiences of youth justice. He remembered our Oral Intervention last week. He said it was good work done and he was really impressed with what we were doing as a group of young people.
So we've even been noticed right at the top!!!
Monday, 16 March 2009
Using your cards.....
Here's some pics of us working away with the thousands of action cards filled in by young people from all over the world.
OB says "we feel very much grateful to use these cards" Thandanani says "it gives us strength to know we have support, it's not just about us but the support we have from people who know about the campaign"
OB says "we feel very much grateful to use these cards" Thandanani says "it gives us strength to know we have support, it's not just about us but the support we have from people who know about the campaign"
Experiencia de un Discurso en la ONU
Hoy, ha sido un gran dia para el equipo de Justicia Juvenil y de la ALianza MUndial de YMCAs.
Se ha podido intervenir por segunda ocasion en la Asamblea del Consejo de Derechos Humanos, intervinicendo por la JUSTICIA JUVENIL.
Particularmente, deseo conpartir esta maravillosa experiencia de dirigirse a un publico tan selecto y relevante, como el que esta congregregado en la ONU.
Antes del discurso, mis compañeros estaban ansiosos por mi presentacion y han sido muy solIdaridad al acompañarme y demostrarme su afecto. Todos estaban al pendiente de mi. Eso me ha puesto nervioso, pero he estado muy bien de mis emociones y poder dirigirme a la concurrencia.
Llego la hora del discurso, me dirijo al Señor Presidente, un discurso sencillo, pero que ha sido elaborado siendo consciente de lo que se proclama.
Lo mas emocionante para mi, fue al final de mi Declaracion.
Recibir los elogios (felicitaciones) de mis compañeros me ha sido muestra que lo "hemos hecho bien" (Digo hemos porque represento una comunidad, un movimiento, un grupo, una alianza). Pero, lo que me ha conmovido es ver al final de la fila a Clarissa Balan. Ella me ha conmovido, que ha provocado callar por un momento y hacer un nudo en mi garganta.
Muy de prisa llego para presenciar mi declaratoria. Su rostro transmitia lo que estaba sintiendo. De pronto unas lagrimas daban mejor aspecto a sus ojos; le pregunte, ¿Que pasa? y me ha respondido "..siento una emocion de estar aqui y poder escuchar su declaracion".
Es un momento y son palabras que no olvidare el resto de mi vida.
Clarissa ha hecho ver reflejada mi familia cerca mio. Y digo mi familia, porque son ellos quienes precisamente comparten contigo tus buenos y malos momentos. Clarissa ha estado aqui, junto a mi. Un abrazo no ha sido suficiente, verle a sus ojos me conmocionan. (su humildad y calidad de persona se observa a simple vista, ella es tan agradable y accesible que sientes mucha confianza compartir con ella). y es con esos pequeños detalles que marcamos la s vidas y hacemos diferencias.
Pero, no solo hablo de mi familia parental, sino de la GRAN FAMILIA de la YMCAs, esa familia que en unidad de Espiritu, de alma y en solo cuerpo compartimos como buenos hermanos.
En nosotros no tiene cabida el racismo, color, lengua, religion u otra "diferencia". SOMOS UNO.
Gracias a mis guias y compañeros, porque a cada momento han estado demostrandome su apoyo y dandome fuerzas para no estar nervioso. Celine y Matt con las pruebas de pronunciacion del discurso (y por toda la atencion previo a tomar microfono y poderme dirigir al publico), "mama Sharin", Martin, Daniela, OB y Thandanani muy atentos y emocionados han estado de cerca para decir "bien hecho".
Falta mucho por realizar. Nuestro trabajo de abogacia no termina aqui. El tiempo que nos resta para incidir, lo aprovecharemos al maximo. Todas nuestras actividades estaran caragadas de nuestro entusiasmo, compromiso, esfuerzo, entrega y responsabilidad.
AL regresar, cada quien, a nuestros paises seguiremos sosteniendo el lienzo o el pincel del compromiso para seguir pintando un color de esperanza en los oprimidos y desposeidos. Seguiremos abogando por los excluidos y maltratados, por quienes se les violentan sus derechos. Seguiremos con el compromiso de unir esfuerzos, de continuar enarbolando la bandera de lucha. Y seguro estoy que la Campaña de Justicia Juvenil en Accion sera una de las que dejara grandes campañas que marcara la diferencia, como hasta hoy lo ha sabido hacer.
Traslate to English
Se ha podido intervenir por segunda ocasion en la Asamblea del Consejo de Derechos Humanos, intervinicendo por la JUSTICIA JUVENIL.
Particularmente, deseo conpartir esta maravillosa experiencia de dirigirse a un publico tan selecto y relevante, como el que esta congregregado en la ONU.
Antes del discurso, mis compañeros estaban ansiosos por mi presentacion y han sido muy solIdaridad al acompañarme y demostrarme su afecto. Todos estaban al pendiente de mi. Eso me ha puesto nervioso, pero he estado muy bien de mis emociones y poder dirigirme a la concurrencia.
Llego la hora del discurso, me dirijo al Señor Presidente, un discurso sencillo, pero que ha sido elaborado siendo consciente de lo que se proclama.
Lo mas emocionante para mi, fue al final de mi Declaracion.
Recibir los elogios (felicitaciones) de mis compañeros me ha sido muestra que lo "hemos hecho bien" (Digo hemos porque represento una comunidad, un movimiento, un grupo, una alianza). Pero, lo que me ha conmovido es ver al final de la fila a Clarissa Balan. Ella me ha conmovido, que ha provocado callar por un momento y hacer un nudo en mi garganta.
Muy de prisa llego para presenciar mi declaratoria. Su rostro transmitia lo que estaba sintiendo. De pronto unas lagrimas daban mejor aspecto a sus ojos; le pregunte, ¿Que pasa? y me ha respondido "..siento una emocion de estar aqui y poder escuchar su declaracion".
Es un momento y son palabras que no olvidare el resto de mi vida.
Clarissa ha hecho ver reflejada mi familia cerca mio. Y digo mi familia, porque son ellos quienes precisamente comparten contigo tus buenos y malos momentos. Clarissa ha estado aqui, junto a mi. Un abrazo no ha sido suficiente, verle a sus ojos me conmocionan. (su humildad y calidad de persona se observa a simple vista, ella es tan agradable y accesible que sientes mucha confianza compartir con ella). y es con esos pequeños detalles que marcamos la s vidas y hacemos diferencias.
Pero, no solo hablo de mi familia parental, sino de la GRAN FAMILIA de la YMCAs, esa familia que en unidad de Espiritu, de alma y en solo cuerpo compartimos como buenos hermanos.
En nosotros no tiene cabida el racismo, color, lengua, religion u otra "diferencia". SOMOS UNO.
Gracias a mis guias y compañeros, porque a cada momento han estado demostrandome su apoyo y dandome fuerzas para no estar nervioso. Celine y Matt con las pruebas de pronunciacion del discurso (y por toda la atencion previo a tomar microfono y poderme dirigir al publico), "mama Sharin", Martin, Daniela, OB y Thandanani muy atentos y emocionados han estado de cerca para decir "bien hecho".
Falta mucho por realizar. Nuestro trabajo de abogacia no termina aqui. El tiempo que nos resta para incidir, lo aprovecharemos al maximo. Todas nuestras actividades estaran caragadas de nuestro entusiasmo, compromiso, esfuerzo, entrega y responsabilidad.
AL regresar, cada quien, a nuestros paises seguiremos sosteniendo el lienzo o el pincel del compromiso para seguir pintando un color de esperanza en los oprimidos y desposeidos. Seguiremos abogando por los excluidos y maltratados, por quienes se les violentan sus derechos. Seguiremos con el compromiso de unir esfuerzos, de continuar enarbolando la bandera de lucha. Y seguro estoy que la Campaña de Justicia Juvenil en Accion sera una de las que dejara grandes campañas que marcara la diferencia, como hasta hoy lo ha sabido hacer.
Traslate to English
Ready and waiting
Saturday, 14 March 2009
how it makes me feel
this week has been so good.. im so glad the u.n got a taste of young people in action..
iv learnt so much and im so looking foward to next thursday at the side event to give all our speeches and everyone talking to the ngo's about our lives and how they've been affected by the juvenille justice.. making it happen.. so hopefully over time, the way children and young people are treated will stop!!!
iv learnt so much and im so looking foward to next thursday at the side event to give all our speeches and everyone talking to the ngo's about our lives and how they've been affected by the juvenille justice.. making it happen.. so hopefully over time, the way children and young people are treated will stop!!!
Friday, 13 March 2009
Meeting the Austrians
We have had our discussion with a delegate from the Austrian government Eva Schofer about the Austrian's resolution. We highlighted for Eva some the key elements that we would like as a group for her to reinforce, the main feature being "Rehabilitation and Reintegration". We spoke with her about our personal experiences to give her a clear and concise view about what we hope we could get out of the Austrian's resolution as well.
We also were told that we need to do some work to give the resolution more credibility and that if we can get more co-sponsors that it can have a greater impact overall. Eva informed us about the real key aspects of the resolution, the main element for us being "Education" this incorporates rehabilitation and reintegration.
Eva thanked us and said "that even for us it is really good to meet up with a group like this, because for us it can seem very endless and without a cause". We then finalised the meeting by asking a few personal questions and then thanked her for giving us the time to have our say in the resolution.
We also were told that we need to do some work to give the resolution more credibility and that if we can get more co-sponsors that it can have a greater impact overall. Eva informed us about the real key aspects of the resolution, the main element for us being "Education" this incorporates rehabilitation and reintegration.
Eva thanked us and said "that even for us it is really good to meet up with a group like this, because for us it can seem very endless and without a cause". We then finalised the meeting by asking a few personal questions and then thanked her for giving us the time to have our say in the resolution.
(Me, writing this post - thanks to matts iphone!!)
Live at the UN
This is our oral statement at the UN!! OB is reading it to the whole council the statement we all wrote.
We wrote it for the debate on the implementation on the rights of the child and it is about how countries are failing to uphold the rights of under-18s through the way they treat children and young people in the justice system
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Proud to be young....
Today we had an early start at the UN. We sat in the Council and waited until OB gave our speech. He done a brilliant job, he spoke clearly and strongly about us young people and a lot of people were interested at the fact us young people gave a statement. OB and myself had an interview with a lady from the Inter-Agency Panel on Juvenille Justice, who wanted to know what i had been involved in before this campaign. I told her i've been involved in the Youth Justice video with other members of the YMCA.
Everyday i'm learning more and more and im really excited to see what's coming next!!
Dani (UK)
Everyday i'm learning more and more and im really excited to see what's coming next!!
Dani (UK)
YMCA World Alliance picks up the News...
Check out this article at the YMCA World Alliance website ( - Click here
Inside you'll find a full transcript of OB's speech at the UN this morning!
I've converted the file into an .avi movie now so that those without Real Media can watch it! Members of the Youth Workers Network should visit the filecabinet ( to download it from the YJIA folder!
Otherwise drop me an email at and I'll send you a copy!
Inside you'll find a full transcript of OB's speech at the UN this morning!
I've converted the file into an .avi movie now so that those without Real Media can watch it! Members of the Youth Workers Network should visit the filecabinet ( to download it from the YJIA folder!
Otherwise drop me an email at and I'll send you a copy!
Addressing the Human Rights Council!!!
Yes!! Say no more....
Click here to see OB reading the statement we wrote to the whole Human Rights Council.
If that doesn't work, click here and scroll down to find the World Alliances of YMCAs statement in the Panel on National Implementation and Monitoring 'Annual full-day meeting on the rights of the child' section
You will need to view it through real player which if you don't have, click here to download
Click here to see OB reading the statement we wrote to the whole Human Rights Council.
If that doesn't work, click here and scroll down to find the World Alliances of YMCAs statement in the Panel on National Implementation and Monitoring 'Annual full-day meeting on the rights of the child' section
You will need to view it through real player which if you don't have, click here to download
LIVE CHAT - Wednesday 18 March - 7pm GMT (8pm Swiss time)
Hello all,
Just a quick announcement that we will be hosting a live chat from Geneva through the link on the right hand side on Wednesday 18 March!
Log on at 7pm GMT (8pm Swiss time, see the "solidarity" clocks at the bottom of the blog for your local time information) to speak to the participants, share your thoughts and get involved in the campaign!
The chat room is also available here!
In the meantime, don't forget to add your thoughts either by commenting on a post below, leaving a message in the live chat area or, if you want to be able to post, send your email address to
Coming up soon... a link to OB from Sierra Leone talking at the UN! Go OB!
Best wishes to all in Geneva - keep up the excellent work!
Mike (Y Care International, London)
Just a quick announcement that we will be hosting a live chat from Geneva through the link on the right hand side on Wednesday 18 March!
Log on at 7pm GMT (8pm Swiss time, see the "solidarity" clocks at the bottom of the blog for your local time information) to speak to the participants, share your thoughts and get involved in the campaign!
The chat room is also available here!
In the meantime, don't forget to add your thoughts either by commenting on a post below, leaving a message in the live chat area or, if you want to be able to post, send your email address to
Coming up soon... a link to OB from Sierra Leone talking at the UN! Go OB!
Best wishes to all in Geneva - keep up the excellent work!
Mike (Y Care International, London)
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
Waiting for lift off
What d'you think? Que penses-tu ? ¿Qué piensas tú?
Even if it's something small, what is the single most important change or improvement that you think the UNHRC (United Nations Human Rights Council) must make in order to genuinely address the problem of unfair youth treatment in your country ?
Même s’il est quelque chose de petit, quel est, dans ton opinion, le changement le plus important que le Conseil des Droits de l’Homme à l’ONU doit faire s’il veut vraiment aborder le problème du traitement injuste des jeunes dans ton pays ?
Aún si es algo pequeño, ¿qué consideras como el cambio el más importante que el Consejo de los Derechos Humanos a la ONU debe efectuar si de verdad quiere abordar el problema del tratamiento injusto de los jóvenes en tu país ?
Même s’il est quelque chose de petit, quel est, dans ton opinion, le changement le plus important que le Conseil des Droits de l’Homme à l’ONU doit faire s’il veut vraiment aborder le problème du traitement injuste des jeunes dans ton pays ?
Aún si es algo pequeño, ¿qué consideras como el cambio el más importante que el Consejo de los Derechos Humanos a la ONU debe efectuar si de verdad quiere abordar el problema del tratamiento injusto de los jóvenes en tu país ?
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
On fire.....
Today we went to the DCI (Defence for Children International) office and met Julia Aloisio. She was fantastic and so helpful. We role played and it was so inspiring. I can't wait to get in there at the UN. We did visit the UN today but as it was our first time there, the best thing was to watch a discussion. The discussion was based on the right to food.
Watching the Reps discussing the problems, i was so "into it" that i felt i wanted to say something. It inspired me watching and listening to them. I hope i will have a chance to talk to the President of the Council. To have the opportunity of standing up for young people around the world and represent their stories to get justice, i know 'I'LL BE ON FIRE!!'
Daniella A (UK)
Watching the Reps discussing the problems, i was so "into it" that i felt i wanted to say something. It inspired me watching and listening to them. I hope i will have a chance to talk to the President of the Council. To have the opportunity of standing up for young people around the world and represent their stories to get justice, i know 'I'LL BE ON FIRE!!'
Daniella A (UK)
Monday, 9 March 2009
Jovenes por la justicia
He decidido dar este nombre al Blog, como simbolo que los y las jovenes cada dia anhelamos mejores formas de aplicacion de justicia, ya estamos cansados de la imagen negativa y estigmatizadora que nos han dado por mucho tiempo y ES HORA de decir ALTO y cambiar el rumbo del cumplimineto de nuestros Derechos.
A traves de la Campaña de Justicia Juvenil (YouthJusticeinAction) estamos siendo actores claves para generar esos cambios. En respeto y armonia anhelamos construir los ideales que cimenten un mejor futuro: futuro que se le ha negado a muchos jovenes.-
Confiamos dar lo mejor de nuestro esfuerzo en esta campaña y que el Consejo de Derechos de la ONU pueda escucharnos y actuar para mejorar los Sistemas de justicia.
Finalmente, esperamos SU INTERVENCION, pues su opinion enrriquecera este trabajo, que en una comunidad global no podemos hacer caso omiso de algo que aumenta aceleradamente cada dia.
A traves de la Campaña de Justicia Juvenil (YouthJusticeinAction) estamos siendo actores claves para generar esos cambios. En respeto y armonia anhelamos construir los ideales que cimenten un mejor futuro: futuro que se le ha negado a muchos jovenes.-
Confiamos dar lo mejor de nuestro esfuerzo en esta campaña y que el Consejo de Derechos de la ONU pueda escucharnos y actuar para mejorar los Sistemas de justicia.
Finalmente, esperamos SU INTERVENCION, pues su opinion enrriquecera este trabajo, que en una comunidad global no podemos hacer caso omiso de algo que aumenta aceleradamente cada dia.
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Arrivals, tiredness, excitement and a few dissapointments
There was loads of excitement and expectation as the group arrived from all corners of the world.
Thandanani had travelled for over 48 hours (a long story!), Darwin for over 18 hours, and OB for 17 hours....whilst Daniella and Martin were more full of energy after their short flights from just down the road!
The sad news is the Makilawe from Togo will not be with us. The Swiss Embassy in Accra decided that he wasn't allowed a visa. They said this was because they did not believe he would return after the programme. Matt had several heated conversations with them, as they tried to justify not letting him...the fact he had not travelled before, has been in prison and has no job were used as excuses, but it is just another example of how young people are judged and stereotyped.
Still....we've taken it on the chin and will do all we can to involve him in the campaigns fro Togo...we won't let his story and voice go unheard.
Our 4 days of training are now in full swing, with guest speakers from Human Rights Watch and DCI coming over the next few days, and on Monday we go to the UN for the first time!!
Thandanani had travelled for over 48 hours (a long story!), Darwin for over 18 hours, and OB for 17 hours....whilst Daniella and Martin were more full of energy after their short flights from just down the road!
The sad news is the Makilawe from Togo will not be with us. The Swiss Embassy in Accra decided that he wasn't allowed a visa. They said this was because they did not believe he would return after the programme. Matt had several heated conversations with them, as they tried to justify not letting him...the fact he had not travelled before, has been in prison and has no job were used as excuses, but it is just another example of how young people are judged and stereotyped.
Still....we've taken it on the chin and will do all we can to involve him in the campaigns fro Togo...we won't let his story and voice go unheard.
Our 4 days of training are now in full swing, with guest speakers from Human Rights Watch and DCI coming over the next few days, and on Monday we go to the UN for the first time!!
Friday, 20 February 2009
Welcome to Youth Justice in Action @ the UN
Hello everyone!
Thanks for signing up to the blog - we're really looking forward to the discussions that we can generate on the site while the young people go the UN to CUFF THE COUNCIL!
In the very near future Celine will be posting some more information about the campaign and what's going on at the UN. In the meantime, don't forget to get your young people to hit
Alternatively, check out the live chat room feature by clicking the YJIA logo on the at the top right hand side of the blog! Happy chatting!
If you need anything translated, check out the great translation tool at the bottom of the site!
Please come back in the run up to March to check out what's going on in Geneva!
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